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School Governance

Local Resources and Training

Governors Safeguarding Monitoring Checklist - Abuse between peers can take many forms, including bullying, physical abuse and sexual harassment. Use the Leicestershire County Council Safeguarding Monitoring Checklist below to help your school leaders develop a culture where abuse is not tolerated, and understand how to monitor what your school puts in place.

Governors Training Brochure - One of the best ways to safeguard children from abuse is to ensure that your School's Governing Board has proper training around their roles and responsibilities. Leicestershire's Governor Support and Development Service offers training and support services to School Governors across the region. Their training offer is set out below.

Staff Wellbeing Checklist - Wellbeing in schools is an important aspect to school governance. Appoint Link Governors for wellbeing to keep mental health and wellbeing on the agenda at your school. It's the Governors' role to support a whole school approach to mental health and to provide the link between the school and governing board. Use the Staff Wellbeing Checklist to develop and monitor an approach to wellbeing in your school.

National Resources

Resources are available via "The Key" regarding Governors' role in preventing child-on-child abuse.


Resources to bullying on which Governors are expected to lead policy can be found via the link here:

Race and Faith Targeted bullying in schools can range from ill-considered remarks, which are not intended to be hurtful, to deliberate physical attacks causing serious injury and emotional harm to children. The Beyond Bullying site provides information about racially motivated abuse and access to the Anti-racist audit tool which can be adopted by schools:

Guidance for senior leaders on monitoring the provision of online safety education in schools and colleges: