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Modern Day Slavery and Trafficking

Modern Day Slavery

7-Minute Briefing

This 7-Minute Briefing on Modern Day Slavery is designed for Practice Professionals. It gives a reminder that professional curiosity is an essential part of uncovering victims of modern slavery.

Learn about the National Referral Mechanism for reporting Modern Day Slavery and if you are a first responder working for a designated organisation, you can use this service to:

  • refer potential victims of any age to the National Referral Mechanism
  • help potential victims receive support and medical care
  • notify the Home Office of potential victims (Duty to Notify)

Child Trafficking

Child Trafficking is the action or practice of illegally procuring and relocating children, typically for the purposes of forced labour or sexual exploitation. Child trafficking is a form of modern slavery (HM Government, 2014). Many children are trafficked into the UK from overseas, but children can also be trafficked from one part of the UK to another. Child trafficking can also be organised by individuals and children's own families. Child trafficking has become a worldwide concern in the past few years.

This site explains Trafficking, the effects on a child, Recognising, Responding and Reporting:

Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK), along with the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, have created the report: Child Trafficking in the UK 2021: A Snapshot. The report provides an outline of child trafficking between October 2020 and October 2021, including the latest data, policy developments, examples of promising practice and challenges faced by practitioners. This snapshot report also highlights some progress and good practice as well as raising concerns about the UK's current response to child trafficking and concludes with a series of 10 recommendations aimed at a range of stakeholders to ensure all children are protected from exploitation.