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Document Database

Displaying 1 to 6 of 6

Pregnant pupils guidance for Leicestershire & Rutland Schools (PDF, 416 Kb)

This pregnant pupils guidance for schools has been developed by the Norfolk County Council Medical Needs Service and has been adapted by Public Health Team Leicestershire County Council. It aims to help schools to manage the support and reintegration of pregnant pupils and school age parents.The guidance...

Turning Point - Vaping Risks (PDF, 7.1 Mb)

Turning Point - Vaping Risks

Mon, 05 Dec 2022

Turning Point have created a poster to highlight the risks of vaping, especially to young people. It highlights harmful substances that are being added and sold in vape oils, and what support is available to young people who want to stop or reduce vaping cannabis related products.Please find attached...

The Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Violence Reduction Network has kindly made available a template policy around Trauma Informed Relationship and Behaviours. It seeks to inform, guide and support staff, parents/carers, and pupils to achieve behavioural aims through actively promoting positive...

Gender and Exploitation

Sat, 22 Oct 2022

We have likely all made assumptions based on another person's gender at some point in our lives. These assumptions are often based on stereotypical notions of who is 'male' and who is 'female', how men and women should act, and what is 'proper' or expected for one's gender. Such assumptions can have...

This toolkit has been developed to support frontline practitioners to safeguard children and young people under the age of 18 from sexual and criminal exploitation. This includes social workers, police officers, housing officers, education staff, healthcare staff, charity staff, and others.

Modern Day Slavery 7-Minute Briefing (PDF, 318 Kb)

7-Minute Briefing, produced by the Leicestershire & Rutland Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP), regarding the effects on a child of living in a household involved in the commission of modern slavery offences.