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Document Database

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Children face a range of complex and interconnected threats both on- and offline, including sexual abuse and exploitation, criminal exploitation, and trafficking. Specialist services play a vital role in supporting and safeguarding children who are at risk of experiencing or have experienced criminal...

Gender and Exploitation

Sat, 22 Oct 2022

We have likely all made assumptions based on another person's gender at some point in our lives. These assumptions are often based on stereotypical notions of who is 'male' and who is 'female', how men and women should act, and what is 'proper' or expected for one's gender. Such assumptions can have...

Protecting Adolescents from Harm Outside the Home: A Trauma Informed Toolkit (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

This toolkit for schools, produced by Lincolnshire County Council, aims to support development of a trauma informed approach.

Harm Outside the Home Toolkit (PDF, 14 Mb)

A tool for schools and settings for understanding and mitigating potential harms outside the home.

Created by Nottinghamshire County Council

Harm Outside the Home 7-Minute Briefing (PDF, 216 Kb)

7-Minute Briefing created by Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland with questions for practitioners to encourage disclosure of Serious Violence & Child Exploitation (CE)